Monday, April 2, 2012


Before spring break, people in various places in my life inevitably asked what my plans were. I would internally glare at them. Who told them to ask that question? How did they know I had no plans at all?
Although I tend to be easy going and open to new adventures, not having plans often makes me feel like some sort of social outcast. Plagued by shows like Sex in the City, I feel that these glorious single years were supposed to be spent in some fantastic New York loft with expensive pink drinks every night and a handsome new escort every weekend.
Instead my life is just a touch more modest than Hollywood. And my week without plans still turned out to be full of everything I needed most.
Learning new skills at the climbing gym with a friend turned instructor for the day. Deep conversation with new friends. Reconnection with old friends. New unexplored hikes. Old familiar trails too. A day at the slopes with my favorite sister. A dinner with my dad and whole family to celebrate his birthday. Lots of rest and time spent reading. Lots of journaling and time to dream.
The minute I allowed my preconception of what it should be shatter, it became exactly what my heart actually needed.
I wonder if most of my discontent comes from what I think things should be like, instead of enjoying what is. Because the truth is, that life is full and good. Even in the hard rocky places, joy can bubble out in the most unexpected cracks. But if I only look at the rock, I miss the beauty of the stream.
So here's to plans that don't work out, and looking for those streams right in front of me.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I think it is often a challenge to accept and embrace our own reality when as humans we often have the mentality that the "grass is always greener." thanks for the encouragement and glad you had a good week.
