Sunday, March 4, 2012


Maybe 29 won't be so bad. I know exactly what my dreams are, and I am finally beginning to build confidence that my dreams may actually be achievable. I still get carded so at least I still look closer to 20 than 30.
I actually like my friends because I handpick who I spend time with now. Each of them are unique and interesting in their own ways. Each of them teach me something new about the world we live in. Some of them make me laugh. Others are around for the heartaches that come with the field I work in and the way I choose to live - authentic and open.
I go to church now because I actually want to. No one tells me to go, and even if they did it wouldn't matter. I actually really like my independence and where I am at in life.
I am still young enough that my dreams are possible, attainable. I am old enough to hopefully make better decisions about my future.
My parents laugh when I say I feel older this year. I get it. I know in the scheme of it all, I am not THAT old. It's just the first time in my life I feel like maybe I won't be young forever.
Some say age is just a number. Maybe it is. Some say age adds wisdom. Maybe it does.
The truth is that my generation will quickly become in charge. Soon I will see my peers running for office instead of older white men that often appear to have no idea what actually occurs for the rest of us.
Will we continue this path we are on of choosing the bottom line over the well-being of real life human beings? Or will we do something new and different?
Will we be able to pick up on the good things set in motion before us yet discern what must change?
Will I get to live in a society that figures out how to fund both education and care and protection for the elderly without taking those funds from homeless shelters?
I don't know. But I certainly hope so.
Suddenly 29 seems very young indeed.


  1. "The truth is that my generation will quickly become in charge." Hmmm. Well said. I've never placed this thought in that way--I want to be THAT peer! You know, Susan Fluke is only 30!?--she's my hero of the week. Welcome to 29, Kelly!


  2. My beard has turned gray...the ride from 29 to 35 is a quick one, believe me. At 29, I finally got that bachelor's degree from CCU, and then moved into the mode of settling down, buying a house, and holding a job. Then all of a sudden I'm 35 and bored, and I realize I can hope to live another 40 years or so-5 more than I've lived already. Do I want to "settle," "buy," and "hold" for 40 years?! Nope... So we moved on, and I'm happy to pursue DOING now instead of SETTLING. That's what that laughter from your parents was about-so don't ever settle, it will just become a problem you'll have to solve later, and it will cost you more than if you resolve to avoid it in the first place. Seems like you're on the right track to me :-) -Matt A
